Test your business idea fast.
The power of the design sprint.
Combining our expertise is key in getting fast results. So we need the content expertise that your company has, the prototyping skills of our UX-designer and a strict schedule facilitated by our service designer to get going. This combination is guaranteed to bring a fun and productive week.
Within 5 days we’ll pass five battle steps:
- Define the problem
- Ideate and benchmark
- Prototype
- Test with users
- Learn and iterate
Together we will:
- uncover the riskiest assumption in your concept;
- turn your idea into a prototype;
- test both the assumptions and prototype with users.
Maximise your innovation speed,
reduce go to market time and avoid spending
scarce resources on the wrong ideas.
Design sprint: a proven method.
The time-squeeze ensures fast decision making and a go-do mentality. The user-test day is the ultimate moment to let the customer speak for him or herself. No more decision making based on the opinion of the highest rank in the room. A prototype is the perfect tool to bring the voice of your customer inside your organisation.
We’ve run 80+ Design Sprints
across all industries, always tailored to
the challenge and team requirements.

When to use a Design Sprint.
Are you planning an innovation that has a high impact on the user? Or are you facing a huge investment for a certain feature or innovation? At such moments it is wise to use a design sprint. At the end of the week, it is clear whether you should progress with your idea or that you need to pivot.
We often use the Design Sprint as the bridge from Service Design to UX design. After all, we are testing the riskiest concepts resulting from the desired customer journey (service design). The outcomes give us insights in which ideas are worth your investment, and accordingly how the roadmap needs to be adjusted. From that point on the UX design starts.