Unlocking Success with Need-Based Personas
Why Need-Based Personas?
Understanding your customer needs is a critical (but too often overlooked) step for launching a successful product or innovation strategy. By implementing need-based personas, you’re one step further in your customer-centric journey! Making it more meaningful and impactful across all facets of an organisation through effective governance as well.
We’ll show you a tangible approach to creating a single, effective set of personas that resonates with various team members and helps the transition towards a fully customer-centric organisation.
For Whom?
Professionals involved in various roles within an organisation, including Product Owners, Marketers, Journey Owners, or anyone interested in leveraging personas as a tool for customer-centricity.
What will we cover in this L&L?
- Value of understanding customer needs through personas
- Insights from case studies and discussions to unlock extra potential by quantifying personas
- From implementing personas, up to smart and effective persona governance
What will be the key learnings?
Come to this Learn & Lunch session and understand:
- How to create and utilize a single, effective set of personas that resonates with your team
- How to transition towards a fully customer-centric organisation
- How to quantify personas
- How to implement smart and effective persona governance
About the coach
Laura Schrauwen – for Laura being close to the users and involving them in the process is key