The Student Hotel (4 months)
Develop a new strategy to bring the overall student experience to a whole new level
Clear concept of new features for the app and a organisational change within the hotel industry
How we did this
The coolest part was the full immersion at the hotels; sleeping over, drinking cocktails at the bar, talking to random guests and creating our own UX Lab in the lobby. We stayed as close as possible to our users during the whole design process.
After developing the strategic framework of Personas, Journeys and desired use cases, we quickly moved to validating our ideas using Design Sprints.

The results
The project helped us to understand the complexity of a hybrid hotel formula, with the hefty variety of Personas, different needs and extensive product portfolio. Through Design Sprints, we discovered quickly what the initial feature set of the new app should be. And more important; what it should not be.
A much broader achievement (a new paradigm in the hotel industry) is the organisational change where all product managers are replaced by persona managers. A significant change that contributes to a whopping increase of internal collaboration, steep rise of marketing impact, cross-sell, product usage and customer experience.